The Open Door Evangelistic Church was organized in 1931 and then incorporated in 1932. Our founder was the Rev F.H. Ferris, B.Th., D.Th., DD.

Some time ago, there came to members of the Open Door Evangelistic Church a vision and a call and the organization and incorporation of this Church is the result, in order that the vision might become a reality and the call obeyed. While there has been given to us a clear conviction of the call of God to an organized work, yet we have maintained sweet fellowship with all of God's clear people who are seeking to do His will. We have made no special effort to gain members from other churches, but rather our method of securing members has been by humble efforts to win souls through revivals and personal evangelism.

It has been claimed that our Church is unique in the fact that it is not a branch of, or a split from, any denomination, but rather a coming together of members from many denominations. It is not a "coming out" movement, but a "coming together" movement. What brought this about? People of like faith came together saying, "It is good for us to be here, let us organize, let us launch out to where we are free to hold revivals, extend the kingdom, and hasten the coming of the Lord." God's word is of the highest order and evangelism is His machine and plan for harvesting the whitened fields, and when we break with it we are missing the purpose for which were called, and the mission for which we were raised up.

The place of evangelism in the Open Door Evangelistic Church is in its foundation and is the chief cornerstone of that foundation. What ultimate value have we in any other purpose apart from this zeal for the spreading of the gospel? It is a glorious task and worthy of the best we can put into it, and with joy and faith we propose to press on into the triumphs which await us an Evangelistic church. We cannot compete with those about us in buildings, social welfare, civic righteousness or any other secondary work. Our job is winning souls for Jesus.

If we fail in this, we are a failure, no matter what else in our work we may accomplish. Shall we fail in the one thing that has given us a place, let down in that for which we are called and most fitted? Shall we allow any work or program to enter in and hinder that which is most essential to our own life and advancement? God forbid. Our work is to promote revivals. It is not ours to pile up bricks and mortar, gain social prestige, political power and financial leadership. Of course, we must have machinery and sufficient finances to keep its bearings oiled. But our real task is preaching the Gospel to the un-churched masses, and to get souls to God as quickly as possible before they are swept into an awful eternity without God and salvation.

Now is the time for repentance, speedy, deep, genuine confession of sin, returning to God and saving faith in Christ. There is no other hope or help. The ministry, and the church, never faced a greater responsibility or a more challenging opportunity in all of the Christian centuries. Will you, my brother and sister, help us in this service for Jesus? Christianity must dominate or civilization will die.

Yours in the Master's service,

The Open Door Evangelistic Church

Our Vision